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Actor & Parent Participation Contracts

For All Actors

Welcome to Matthews Playhouse! We hope your experience here is a positive one full of laughter, fun, and friendships. In order to provide a safe and productive working environment for everyone involved in the production, we ask that yoube responsible for your conduct while on site and abide by Matthews Playhouse and Matthews Community Center rulesand guidelines. Please read the following carefully, click the acknowledge checkbox below and click submit. Thank you!

  • I will not make schedule changes that alter my availability to rehearse and perform after I have been cast.

  • I understand that all conflicts need to be listed on the audition form and approved by the director

  • I will be on time and ready to work for all rehearsals and performances. I will attend and participate in load-in and strike until dismissed by a member of the Artistic Staff

  • I understand that if I must alter my conflicts in a way that affects my availability to attend rehearsals and performances, the director or Artistic Director may choose to replace me in certain scenes or in the show entirely.

  • I will not make changes to my physical appearance after I have been cast without the approval of the director and production team. This includes (but is not limited to) haircuts, coloring, body art, piercings, facial hair alterations, etc.

  • I will wear appropriate shoes and clothing for rehearsals and performances (i.e. closed-toed shoes, comfortable clothing to move in, any specific garments/shoes as recommended by the production team)


  • I understand that Matthews Playhouse has a closed rehearsal policy in effect. No one except members of the staff, cast, crew and production team are permitted to attend rehearsals or permitted backstage during rehearsals or performances without previous approval by the director or Artistic Director.


  • I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and safety and will take due care to protect myself and others during rehearsals and performances.


  • I will be respectful of fellow actors, staff, and crew members always. I will use appropriate language and behavior.


  • I understand that harassment of any kind (innuendos, slurs, etc.) will not be tolerated.


  • I will not come to rehearsals or performances under the influence of any drugs or alcohol of any kind.


  • I will be respectful of all Matthews Playhouse property and items related to the production, including scripts, costumes, props, set pieces, etc.


  • I will be respectful and abide by all Matthews Community Center policies during rehearsals and performances.


  • I will not eat, drink, or smoke in costume unless directed to do so as part of the production or with preapproval by the costumer


  • I will stay up to date regarding schedules and Matthews Playhouse policies, including deposits, script returns, and productions fees.


  • I agree to abide by the policies and guidelines set forth above and I understand that failure to do so may result in dismissal from the production at any time.

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