Fall 2023 & Winter 2024 Performing Arts Classes for Youth to Include Acting, Private Vocal Lessons, Technical Theatre and More!

(Matthews, NC) - Matthews Playhouse of the Performing Arts is pleased to announce new additions to its upcoming 2023-2024 School of Theatre class roster. Known for its popular theatre education programs and live performances for young people, thousands of children in the South Charlotte, Mecklenburg, and Union County region have benefited from performing arts classes and productions at Matthews Playhouse since launching in the mid-1990s. “Our acting classes and student productions are unique because they are led by some of our region’s most respected theatre professionals,” says Matthews Playhouse Education Director, Stefanie Nicholson. “Our students receive instruction from professional choreographers, theatre educators, actors, and directors who pass along valuable lessons for up-and-coming performers based on years of experience working in performing arts companies all over the country.”
Here are some of the new offerings that have been announced by the theatre:
Semester Long Classes: Matthews Playhouse School of Theatre will now offer a Fall Semester (10 Weeks) and a Winter Semester (10 Weeks). Students must complete at least one of these sessions (or both!) to be eligible to audition for one of the School of Theatre Productions in Spring of 2024! Learn more about the schedule for the 2023-2024 School of Theatre Classes.
Private Vocal Lessons (space is limited): Children in grades 3-12 and adults are eligible to receive private vocal lessons from highly qualified instructors who will teach vocal skills including breath control, matching pitch, finding harmony, musical theatre audition prep, coaching for current musical productions, and more. Vocal instructors can individualize lessons and will recommend materials as needed.for 3rd grade and up . Learn more about private vocal lessons at Matthews Playhouse.
NEW Programming for High School students: 9th-12th grade students will follow a curriculum geared towards serious-minded theatre students committed to attending classes each week and spending time outside of the classroom working on material. Learn more about Matthews Playhouse NEW 9th-12th Grade Program.
Technical Theatre Instruction for 9-12th Grade: This program will teach students the basics of design and how theatrical artists create imaginary worlds on stage. Students will work one-on-one with Matthews Playhouse Technical Director, Marty Wolff to build skills in hands-on stagecraft techniques and discover technology, terminology and techniques used by theatrical designers. Learn more about Technical Theatre Instruction at Matthews Playhouse (scroll to the bottom)
New School of Theatre Productions for Spring 2024: Students who participate in the Fall 2023 and/or Winter 2024 sessions will build on material learned each week in class and will be eligible to audition for one of the following Matthews Playhouse School of Theatre productions in the spring of 2024. Eligibility to perform in these productions is based on availability and tickets to these productions will be on sale to the general public.
Shrek the Musical, Jr. - April 26th-28th, 2024
Mufaro's Beautiful Daughters- May 3rd-4th, 2024
Fairytale Reunion- May 4, 2024
Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon- May 4th-5th, 2024
Registrations for the 2023-2024 Matthews Playhouse School of Theatre classes are now underway. Classes for the Fall Semester will begin in early September 2023 and will continue for 10 weeks through mid-November 2023. Winter classes will begin in early-mid January 2024 and will continue through mid March, 2024. Parents who want to learn more about the School of Theatre classes and/or register their children may do so by going to https://www.matthewsplayhouse.com/2023-2024-sot-classes.